Phone screen displaying market graphs and financial charts.

6 reasons to use trade forex instead of stocks 

Are you interested in trading stocks but aren’t sure if it’s the right move for you? If so, you may want to consider forex trading instead. Forex trading has many advantages over stock trading, and it has always been a popular choice amongst traders. In this article, we’ll discuss why forex trading is a better […]

Laptop screen displaying market graphs and financial charts.

In the money vs out of the money trades in stocks 

write keyword, meta title, slug and description for the article: In-the-money and out-of-the-money trades are two of the most important concepts to understand when trading stocks. We’ll explore the differences between these two types of trades and explain why it’s essential to know which one you’re making. We’ll also provide some tips for how to […]

Laptop screen with stock graphs

How to trade like an expert and manage your risks 

It may seem like a daunting task to trade like an expert, but with the proper education and risk management techniques, it is possible to minimise your losses and maximise your profits. We will discuss the best ways to trade like an expert and manage your risks.  What is risk management, and why is it […]

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